Theme Configuration #
This guide explains how to configure the valaxy-theme-antfu
theme to customize your Valaxy site.
主题配置 #
本指南将解释如何配置 valaxy-theme-antfu
主题来自定义您的 Valaxy 网站。
Basic Configuration #
The theme configuration is defined in your project’s valaxy.config.ts
file. After installing the theme, you need to configure it to match your preferences.
基本配置 #
主题配置在项目的 valaxy.config.ts
Here’s a basic example of the theme configuration:
import type { ThemeConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-antfu'
import { defineConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineConfig<ThemeConfig>({
theme: 'antfu',
themeConfig: {
// Your theme configuration goes here
colors: {
primary: '#0078E7',
// Other configuration options...
Available Configuration Options #
Below are the available configuration options for the theme.
可用配置选项 #
Colors #
You can customize the primary color of the theme:
颜色 #
themeConfig: {
colors: {
primary: '#0078E7' // Change to your preferred color
Logo #
Configure the logo display:
徽标 #
themeConfig: {
logo: {
enable: true, // Whether to show the logo
component: 'Logo', // Component name to use as logo
image: '/path/to/logo.png', // Optional: Image URL to use as logo
svg: '<svg>...</svg>' // Optional: SVG content to use as logo
English Only Mode #
Enable or disable the English-only toggle feature:
仅英文模式 #
themeConfig: {
englishOnly: {
enable: true, // Whether to enable the English Only toggle feature
default: false // Default value for English Only mode
Navigation Bar #
Configure the main navigation menu:
导航栏 #
themeConfig: {
nav: [
text: 'Home',
link: '/',
icon: 'i-ri-home-line'
text: 'Docs',
link: '/docs',
icon: 'i-ri-article-line'
// Add more navigation items as needed
Each navigation item can have the following properties:
: The display textlink
: The URL to navigate toicon
: Optional icon (using Iconify format)title
: Optional title attribute for the link
:导航到的 URLicon
:可选图标(使用 Iconify 格式)title
Navigation Controls #
Configure the controls in the navigation bar:
导航控件 #
themeConfig: {
navControls: {
localeToggle: true, // Whether to enable the locale toggle
themeToggle: true // Whether to enable the theme toggle (light/dark mode)
Sub Navigation #
Configure the sub-navigation menu:
子导航 #
themeConfig: {
subNav: [
text: 'Documentation',
link: '/docs'
text: 'Talks',
link: '/talks'
// Add more sub-navigation items as needed
Footer #
Configure the footer section:
页脚 #
themeConfig: {
footer: {
since: 2022, // The year your site was established
icon: {
name: 'i-ri-cloud-line', // Icon name (Iconify format)
animated: true, // Whether the icon should be animated
color: 'var(--va-c-primary)', // Icon color
url: '', // URL to navigate to when clicking the icon
title: 'Icon Title' // Title attribute for the icon
powered: true, // Whether to show "Powered by Valaxy & valaxy-theme-antfu"
beian: {
enable: false, // Whether to enable beian information (for Chinese websites)
icp: '' // ICP registration number
Complete Configuration Example #
Here’s a complete example of the theme configuration:
完整配置示例 #
import type { ThemeConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-antfu'
import { defineConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineConfig<ThemeConfig>({
theme: 'antfu',
themeConfig: {
colors: {
primary: '#0078E7'
logo: {
enable: true,
component: 'Logo'
englishOnly: {
enable: true,
default: false
navControls: {
localeToggle: true,
themeToggle: true
nav: [
text: 'Home',
link: '/',
icon: 'i-ri-home-line'
text: 'Docs',
link: '/docs',
icon: 'i-ri-article-line'
text: 'GitHub',
link: '',
icon: 'i-ri-github-fill'
subNav: [
text: 'Documentation',
link: '/docs'
text: 'Blog',
link: '/posts'
footer: {
since: 2022,
icon: {
name: 'i-ri-cloud-line',
animated: true,
color: 'var(--va-c-primary)',
url: '',
title: 'Visit Example'
powered: true,
beian: {
enable: false,
icp: ''
TypeScript Support #
The theme provides TypeScript type definitions to help you configure your theme with proper type checking and autocompletion. Make sure to import the correct types:
TypeScript 支持 #
该主题提供 TypeScript 类型定义,以帮助您使用适当的类型检查和自动完成功能配置主题。确保导入正确的类型:
import type { ThemeConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-antfu'
Using TypeScript types will give you autocompletion and type checking in your IDE, making it easier to configure the theme correctly. :::
使用 TypeScript 类型将在您的 IDE 中提供自动完成和类型检查功能,使您更容易正确配置主题。 :::
Advanced Configuration #
For more advanced configuration options, please refer to the Valaxy documentation and the theme source code.
高级配置 #
This theme is built on top of Valaxy, so all Valaxy configuration options are also available. :::
此主题是基于 Valaxy 构建的,因此所有 Valaxy 配置选项也可用。 :::