推荐使用 pnpm
进行安装主题。如果您的系统中尚未安装 pnpm
,可以通过执行 npm install -g pnpm
在创建 Valaxy 项目的过程中, create valaxy
命令会自动下载和安装 Valaxy,无需您手动进行安装 :::
It is recommended to use pnpm
to install the theme. If pnpm
is not installed on your system, you can install it by running the command npm install -g pnpm
During the creation of a Valaxy project, the create valaxy
command will automatically download and install Valaxy, so you don’t need to install it manually. :::
pnpm create valaxy
npm create valaxy
yarn create valaxy
在创建 Valaxy 项目后,您需要安装主题以便项目能够按照您期望的样式呈现。
进入到您刚刚创建的 Valaxy 项目所在的文件夹,打开终端,然后执行以下命令来安装主题:
After creating a Valaxy project, you need to install a theme for the project to display in the style you desire.
Navigate to the folder where you just created the Valaxy project, open the terminal, and then execute the following command to install the theme:
pnpm add valaxy-theme-antfu
npm install valaxy-theme-antfu
yarn add valaxy-theme-antfu
If you encounter difficulties during the creation process, it is highly recommended to first check the Valaxy documentation.
在安装主题之后并不会启用主题。首先在 valaxy.config.ts
文件中启用 antfu
打开 Valaxy 项目的根目录的 valaxy.config.ts
文件,修改如下标注的位置,以确保 TypeScript 的类型检查和自动完成功能能够正常使用
The theme will not be activated after installation. First, enable the antfu
theme in the valaxy.config.ts
file. You need to follow these steps:
Open the valaxy.config.ts
file in the root directory of the Valaxy project, and modify the positions indicated below to ensure that TypeScript’s type checking and auto-completion features work correctly:
import type { ThemeUserConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-antfu'
import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineValaxyConfig<ThemeUserConfig>({
theme: 'antfu'
TypeScript 是 JavaScript 的一个超集,添加了类型系统和对 ES6+ 的支持。它不仅能让开发者在编码阶段就能发现潜在的错误,还能提高代码的可读性和可维护性
简单来说,TypeScript 可以在您编辑配置文件时自动完成代码提示,并且如果配置不正确,它会立即用红色警告提示您,以便您及时修正错误
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds a type system and support for ES6+. It not only allows developers to identify potential errors during the coding phase but also improves code readability and maintainability.
In simple terms, TypeScript can automatically complete code suggestions while you are editing configuration files, and if the configuration is incorrect, it will immediately alert you with a red warning so that you can correct errors promptly.
在theme选项中填入 antfu
The theme name is automatically retrieved in the format
. For example, this theme is namedvalaxy-theme-antfu
, so antfu is the name of this theme.
Fill in antfu
in the theme option to switch themes.
import type { ThemeUserConfig } from 'valaxy-theme-antfu'
import { defineValaxyConfig } from 'valaxy'
export default defineValaxyConfig<ThemeUserConfig>({
theme: 'antfu'
Please ensure that you have correctly imported all the necessary types. Incorrectly imported types may cause the build to fail.
通过遵循上述步骤,您可以顺利地在您的项目中启用 antfu 主题,并利用 TypeScript 提供的类型安全和代码智能提示功能,享受到更加愉快的博客使用体验
如果创建 Valaxy 项目的时候没有安装依赖,那么我们就要手动安装依赖:
By following the steps above, you can successfully enable the antfu theme in your project and enjoy a more pleasant blogging experience with the type safety and code intelligence features provided by TypeScript.
If the dependencies were not installed when creating the Valaxy project, we need to install the dependencies manually:
pnpm i
npm install
After completing the above configuration, you have finished the basic setup. Next, you can start your blog!
pnpm dev
npm run dev
yarn dev
的常见操作是构建生成网站内容后,再上传至仓库以部署网站。若需进行构建,直接运行pnpm run build
For most users, common operations with hexo
and hugo
involve building the site content and then uploading it to a repository to deploy the site. If you need to build, simply run the pnpm run build
command, which follows similar steps. However, I do not recommend using this method. For more deployment methods, please refer to the Valaxy deployment documentation.