Markdown Admonitions #
Valaxy supports GitHub-style admonition syntax, which can be used to highlight important information. These admonitions will have different colors and icons when rendered, making your documentation clearer and easier to read.
Syntax #
The basic syntax for admonitions is:
> [!TYPE]
> Content
Where TYPE
can be one of the following:
Admonition Types #
Here are all the supported admonition types and their purposes:
Note #
Highlights information that users should take into account, even when skimming.
> [!NOTE]
> This is a note highlighting important information.
Rendered result:
This is a note highlighting important information.
Tip #
Optional information to help a user be more successful.
> [!TIP]
> This is a tip providing optional information to help users be more successful.
Rendered result:
This is a tip providing optional information to help users be more successful.
Important #
Crucial information necessary for users to succeed.
> This is important information that users must know to succeed.
Rendered result:
This is important information that users must know to succeed.
Warning #
Critical content demanding immediate user attention due to potential risks.
> This is a warning alerting users to potential risks.
Rendered result:
This is a warning alerting users to potential risks.
Caution #
Negative potential consequences of an action.
> This is a caution advising about negative potential consequences of an action.
Rendered result:
This is a caution advising about negative potential consequences of an action.
Multi-line Content #
Admonitions can contain multiple lines of content, just make sure each line has the proper indentation:
> [!NOTE]
> This is the first line
> This is the second line, with an empty line in between
> - You can even use lists in admonitions
> - Second list item
Rendered result:
This is the first line
This is the second line, with an empty line in between
- You can even use lists in admonitions
- Second list item
Using in Valaxy #
In Valaxy Markdown files, you can use these admonition syntaxes directly. They work in blog posts, documentation pages, or any other Markdown content.
This syntax is compatible with GitHub’s admonition syntax, so your documentation will display correctly on GitHub as well.
Best Practices #
- NOTE: For general information that is not urgent but useful
- TIP: For providing extra help or suggestions
- IMPORTANT: For information that must be known
- WARNING: For situations that might cause problems
- CAUTION: For operations that need special care
Don’t overuse admonitions, as this will diminish their effect. Only use them when you really need to emphasize important information.